
On Rumble & Scream: Post-Industrial Sounds in Pennsylkrainia—Act I

“Jordan Tyler Temchack’s stories of Jeremiah [Scream]—raised up from the streams of his home on the Allegheny Plateau—are told in an unmistakable and inimitable voice. With a music that’s all his own, there’s plenty of rumbling and screaming, but also tender moments of contemplation. Take a listen. It’ll make you laugh, bring a tear. Be sure to follow that warble of water on rock, the clatter of a guitar and the echo of a voice scrambling the holler. If you let them, these songs and poems will lead you to the blessed seep we all come from.”

Todd Davis, author of Ditch Memory: New & Selected Poems (2024)

On Rumble & Scream: Post-Industrial Sounds in Pennsylkrainia—Act I

“Rumble & Scream, the new, multi-dimensional, multi-instrumental folk-rock opera from Jordan Tyler Temchack and Holy Crick Records, is so much more than a magnificent debut album. It shows us what is possible when an artist unlocks his storytelling potential; dazzling the listener with freewheeling, heartbreaking songs sung by characters who capture the pain and promise of rural Pennsylkrainia.

Temchack's self-styled "hillbilly-libretto" is a barn-storming folkloric map to places real and imagined; brought to life with talented musical collaborators who turn back the clock to show us where we come from, while propelling us into a future as uncertain as it is hopeful.” 

Rebecca Faulkner, author of Permit Me to Write My Own Ending (2023)

Managing Director, The Arbutus Foundation, founded by David Byrne

Alumni Article Announcing Rumble & Scream

“Always wide-eyed, Temchack takes in his surroundings, looking for the sacred in the ordinary. His ears are piqued, always listening to the vibrations of life and land, each one holding the potential to elicit mythical, primitive emotional experiences.”

—Marissa Carney, Penn State Altoona Media Relations Coordinator

Full article available here.